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* 加密
* */
const crypto = require('crypto');
* 配置文件
* */
const CFG = global.cfg ? global.cfg.encryption : require('../../config/default.config')
* 加密算法
* */
// 不可逆加密
const MD5 = "md5" // 32位
, SHA256 = 'sha256' // 64位
, SHA512 = 'sha512' // 128位
// 可逆加密
const AES128 = 'aes-128-cbc'
, AES256 = 'aes-256-gcm'
// vi
// ase-128-cbc 加密算法要求key和iv长度都为16
// const key = Buffer.from('9vApxLk5G3PAsJrM', 'utf8');
// const iv = Buffer.from('FnJL7EDzjqWjcaY9', 'utf8');
// const key = crypto.randomBytes(32); // 256 位的共享密钥
// const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); // 初始向量,16 字节
const key = Buffer.from(HASH(CFG.encryption.secretKey, MD5).slice(0, 16), 'utf8');
const iv = Buffer.from(HASH(CFG.encryption.salt, MD5).slice(0, 16), 'utf8');
* 不可逆加密
* */
function HASH(plaintext, algorithm = SHA512) {
const sha512 = crypto.createHash(algorithm)
const sha512Sum = sha512.update(plaintext + CFG.encryption.salt)
const ciphertext = sha512Sum.digest('hex')
return ciphertext
* 可逆加密
* */
// 加密
// 加密
function encrypt(plaintext, algorithm = AES128) {
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv); // 初始化加密算法
let ciphertext = cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'hex');
ciphertext += cipher.final('hex');
// return {
// ciphertext,
// tag : cipher.getAuthTag()
// };
return ciphertext
// 解密
function decrypt(ciphertext, algorithm = AES128) {
let plaintext = '';
const cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
plaintext += cipher.update(ciphertext, 'hex', 'utf8');
plaintext += cipher.final('utf8');
return plaintext;
// const a = 'i love u!'
// const b = encrypt(a)
// const c = decrypt(b)
// console.log(a, b, c);
// aes128()
// aes256()
function aes256(){
'use strict';
const crypto = require('crypto');
// 初始化参数
const text = 'Encryption Testing AES GCM mode'; // 要加密和解密的数据
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32); // 256 位的共享密钥
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); // 初始向量,16 字节
const algorithm = 'aes-256-gcm'; // 加密算法和操作模式
// 加密
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv); // 初始化加密算法
let encrypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag(); // 生成标签,用于验证密文的来源
// 解密
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv); // 初始化解密算法
decipher.setAuthTag(tag); // 传入验证标签,验证密文的来源
let decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted += decipher.final('utf8');
console.log(decrypted); // Encryption Testing AES GCM mode
function aes128(){
// 加密
function genSign(src, key, iv) {
let sign = '';
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv);
sign += cipher.update(src, 'utf8', 'hex');
sign += cipher.final('hex');
return sign;
// 解密
function deSign(sign, key, iv) {
let src = '';
const cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', key, iv);
src += cipher.update(sign, 'hex', 'utf8');
src += cipher.final('utf8');
return src;
// ase-128-cbc 加密算法要求key和iv长度都为16
const key = Buffer.from('9vApxLk5G3PAsJrM', 'utf8');
const iv = Buffer.from('FnJL7EDzjqWjcaY9', 'utf8');
const sign = genSign('hello world', key, iv);
console.log(sign); // 764a669609b0c9b041faeec0d572fd7a
// 解密
const src=deSign('764a669609b0c9b041faeec0d572fd7a', key, iv);
console.log(src); // hello world
module.exports = {