const {createClient} = require('redis') , {RedisJSON, maxClientOnline, user} = require('../config/default.config') ,{HASH} = require('../tools/user/encryptionString') function initRedisJSON() { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { const client = createClient({ // url: `redis://default:Hxl1314521@${}:${RedisJSON.port}` }); try { await client.connect() RedisJSON.startClear ? client.flushAll() : '' res(client) } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } const codeList = ['signUp', 'signIn', 'reset', 'writeoff'] function Redis() { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { const client = await initRedisJSON() // 初始化RedisJSON池 // 同类的 for(let codeType of codeList){ await client.json.set(codeType, '$', {}, {NX: true}); } // 特殊的 await client.json.set('login', '$', {}, {NX: true}); // 执行清理程序 setInterval(async () => { clearAllCode(client) }, RedisJSON.clearTime) // 生成对外程序 const codeMethods = {} for(let codeType of codeList){ const nowCodeType = codeType.replace(codeType[0],codeType.split("")[0].toUpperCase()) codeMethods['set' + nowCodeType + 'Code'] = (emailOrUsername, code) => setCode(client, codeType, emailOrUsername, code) codeMethods['get' + nowCodeType + 'Code'] = (emailOrUsername) => getCode(client, codeType, emailOrUsername) codeMethods['del' + nowCodeType + 'Code'] = (emailOrUsername) => delCode(client, codeType, emailOrUsername) // codeMethods['clear' + nowCodeType + 'Code'] = () => clearCode(client, codeType) } const RJ = { client, // uuid和Token setLogin: (uuid, token) => setLogin(client, uuid, token), getLogin: (uuid) => getLogin(client, uuid), delLogin: (uuid, token) => delLogin(client, uuid, token), getToken: (token) => getToken(client, token), // 'signUp', 'signIn', 'reset' Code ...codeMethods } res(RJ) } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } // $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$统一清理程序$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ function clearAllCode(client){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { // 清理signUpCOde try{ await clearCode(client, 'signUp') }catch (e) { console.e('清理注册Code发生异常', e) } // 清理登录Code try{ await clearCode(client, 'signIn') }catch (e) { console.e('清理登录Code发生异常', e) } // 清理找回密码Code try{ await clearCode(client, 'reset') }catch (e) { console.e('清理找回密码Code发生异常', e) } res() // 清理UUID try { await clearLoginArr(client)'清理UUID成功') } catch (e) {'清理UUID发生异常', e) } }) } // ===============================================UUID && Token======================================================== // login,用于同账号的登陆数量,获取UUID下的TokenList function getLogin(client, uuid) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { const result = await client.json.get('login', {path: uuid}) res(result) } catch (e) { if (e.toString().indexOf('not exist') > -1) { res([]) } else { rej(e) } } }) } // 添加UUID下的Token function setLogin(client, uuid, token) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { const nowTime = new Date().getTime() const result = await getLogin(client, uuid) if(result == null){ console.e('需要重启服务,Redis被清空,没有根节点。') throw new Error('需要重启服务,Redis被清空,没有根节点。') } if (result.length == 0) { await client.json.set('login', uuid, [{token, time: nowTime}]) await setToken(client, token, uuid) res() } else if (result.length < maxClientOnline) { await client.json.ARRAPPEND('login', uuid, {token, time: nowTime}) await setToken(client, token, uuid) res() } else { // 已经达到最大值了 for (let i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (nowTime - result[i].time > user.login.timeLimit) { await delLoginArr(client, uuid, i, result[i].token) } } const result2 = await getLogin(client, uuid) if(result2.length == maxClientOnline){ await delLoginArr(client, uuid, 0, result[0].token) } await client.json.ARRAPPEND('login', uuid, {token, time: nowTime}) await setToken(client, token, uuid) res() } } catch (e) { console.log(e); rej(e) } }) } // 删除UUID List中的占用的Token function delLoginArr(client, uuid, index, token) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { await client.json.ARRPOP('login', uuid, index) await delToken(client, token) res() } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } // 退出登录时删除UUID下的Token function delLogin(client, uuid, token){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ const result = await getLogin(client, uuid) for(let i = result.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ if(result[i].token == token){ await delLoginArr(client, uuid, i, token) } } res() }catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } // 清理过期的UUID下的Token function clearLoginArr(client) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { const result = await client.json.get('login') const nowTime = new Date().getTime() try { for (let i in result) { const list = result[i]; for (let j = list.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (nowTime - list[j].time > user.login.timeLimit) { await delLoginArr(client, i, j, list[j].token) } } } res() } catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } // 获取Token的UUID function getToken(client, token) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { const result = await client.get(token) res(result) } catch (e) { if (e.toString().indexOf('not exist') > -1) { res([]) } else { rej(e) } } }) } // 添加Token键值对,在添加UUID时,同步添加 function setToken(client, token, uuid) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { await client.set(token, uuid) res() }catch (e) { rej() } }) } // 删除Token键值对,在删除UUID时,同步删除 function delToken(client, token) { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ const a = await client.del(token) if(a != 1){ rej('删除token指定的UUID失败') console.e('删除token指定的UUID失败') }else{'删除成功', a) } res() }catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UUID && Token>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // 通用设置Code function setCode(client, type, emailOrUsername, code){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ console.log('设置登陆吗') // 这里不能设置特殊符号 emailOrUsername = HASH(emailOrUsername,'md5') const time = new Date().getTime() const a = await client.json.set(type, emailOrUsername, {code, time}, {NX:true}) console.log(a) res() }catch (e) { console.log(e) rej(e) } }) } function getCode(client, type, emailOrUsername){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ emailOrUsername = HASH(emailOrUsername,'md5') const result = await client.json.get(type, {path: emailOrUsername}) res(result) }catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } function delCode(client, type, emailOrUsername){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ emailOrUsername = HASH(emailOrUsername,'md5') const result = await client.json.del(type, emailOrUsername) res(result) }catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } function clearCode(client, type){ return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try{ const nowTime = new Date().getTime() const result = await client.json.get(type) for(let i in result){ if(nowTime - result[i].time > RedisJSON.timeout){ await delResetCode(client, type, i) } } res() }catch (e) { rej(e) } }) } module.exports = Redis